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A member registered Jun 02, 2020

Recent community posts

you have to get her the yellow dress and talk to wife of the brother i forgot her name. after that wait a few days then go on a date with luna

Oh OK hope you had a good holiday and that is good at least you are working on it

when is the next update coming out

when is next update coming out

when is the next update coming out

thanks half its much appreciated

when is the next update coming

how do i contact lexi. i cant seem to find a way to do it pls help

when is the next update comin

the cave is the date you take luna on

also how do i get recording 4 for Graci

im stuck on gracies mission the magic touch, it says i have completed all the parts for it but it is not saying i have completed the full mission

i sent her the p*rn after recording 7 and dont know what to do after that, please help

im the same, does episode 16 freeze when you get to the room with the sister after the party